CARTAGENA, BOLIVAR COLOMBIA - We arrived to Cartagena super pumped to get Peso out of the Port. We had to wait an additional five days as the ship was delayed, but we definitely enjoyed the down time to be still and explore the city. We both were recovering from a major bout of food poisoning we both got in Guatemala as we were loading Peso into the container at the port in Puerto Barrios.
The city itself is incredibly picturesque and beautiful. For us, the constant barrage from street vendors selling wares, drugs and songs took away from some the charm. We were glad to get Peso and get started on our South American journey.
SANTA MARTA AND MINCA, MADALENA COLOMBIA - The coastal views near Tayrona National Park are beautiful and relaxing. We took a couple of days to unwind from the city and eventually made our way up to the small town called Minca. It’s higher in the mountains and the cool rainy weather certainly was appreciated. We found amazing coffee, sourdough and chocolate filled bread as well as a cute little stowaway that became our best pal for the time we stayed.
LOS ESTORAQUES, SANTANDER COLOMBIA - This national park is small, but really unique. As you drive though the lush northern Andes, you’ll eventually arrive into this small valley that is carved out into amazing rock structures. The mountains beyond the town are still heavily armed with ELN and are off limits to tourists and most Colombians as well. Our camp site was up on a ridge in a pine grove that was planted 40 years ago. We overlooked Playa de Belen and honestly it was breathtaking every time. We met hundreds of local Colombians and felt the warm embrace of their curiosity and welcoming words more than ever before.
LA MOJARRA, SANTANDER COLOMBIA - This region of Santander is arid, Andean dry forest. It is nestled in Chicamocha Canyon and one of the best climbing spots in Colombia. We stayed for a couple of weeks and found that it was hard to leave! The weather is amazing at least when we were there in June. We enjoyed exploring the area around La Mojarra and found incredible fossils as well. One was so big we couldn’t bring it with us! W